
10393971_10152869170244658_5002345533330115601_n-300x219Shunya Mudra

« The concept of zero was first conceived of in ancient India. Its graphic symbol was a dot called a Bindu in Sanskrit. This dot was also called Sunya, meaning void or empty. It was perceived as being like a seed. That is, in itself inert and unmanifest, but from which life springs and returns.

The Brhadaranyaka Upanishad compares this to a tiny spider at the center of its web, spinning out and reeling in concentric circles of silken threads.

Even today, thousands of years later, Hindus still paint a bindi on their foreheads for spiritual, cultural, and aesthetic reasons. It’s applied mid point just above the eyebrows where the ajna chakra, or third eye, is located. This chakra is associated with concealed wisdom.»
(From the Website Root5)

This is Shunya Mudra, or sky Mudra or Etheric Mudra which dissolves illusions and gives eternal bliss (and relieves an earache ^^).

ahamkaraAhamkara Mudra

Bend index fingers slightly and put the upper phalanx of the thumb to the side of the middle phalanx of the index finger, at the upper part. Other fingers are straight.

Emotional / spiritual use :
Self-confidence and self-assertion.
For counteracting fear and timidity.